All articles published so far

Is the digital revolution a job-destroyer or a job-creator? How will it change traditional occupational images? In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses ...weiterlesen

In an article in the renowned Wall Street Journal of 8 September 2016 (“Germany offers a promising jobs model”), the American labour market economist Edward Lazear and the IAB researcher ...weiterlesen

Active labour market policy plays an important role in Germany. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller discusses its underlying principles such as the idea of ...weiterlesen

24. August 2017 | International Labour Markets

Recent book publication: Productivity Puzzles Across Europe

The economic shock of the financial crisis rivalled  that of the Great Depression following the Wall Street Crash of 1929 in terms of the decline in economic output across the world. However, the ...weiterlesen

Youth unemployment in Germany is very low by international standards. In an interview to the IAB-Forum magazine, IAB Director Joachim Möller attributes this success to three factors: the favourable ...weiterlesen

In recent years, Germany has taken in a great number of people who abandoned their home countries fleeing from the war, political persecution and economic hardship. In 2015, the number of those who ...weiterlesen

After many years of debates, 2015 saw the introduction of a statutory minimum wage of € 8.50 per hour (€ 8.84 since 2017) in Germany. While opponents of the minimum wage predicted negative ...weiterlesen

The new complex and intelligent digitalisation poses a significant challenge to the economies and the labour markets. In this context, the underlying article discusses the future of employment and ...weiterlesen

12. July 2017 | International Labour Markets

European unemployment insurance: finding the golden mean

Enzo Weber

Ever since Europe slipped into severe recession following the financial crisis in the U.S., people have been discussing how to make the European Union better equipped for such an economic collapse. ...weiterlesen