5. September 2024 | Education and the Labour Market

ELMI Policy Talk: It’s all about the money? – what really influences student’s study choices

Magdalena Högner

Three speakers discussed the criteria for pupils' career and study decisions at the fourth ELMI Policy Roundtable. ...read more

6. August 2024 | Interviews

A comparison of the integration of Ukrainian refugees in European countries: “Sustainable integration has proven effective”

Christiane Keitel, Martin Schludi, Jutta Winters

Interview with IAB researchers Kseniia Gatskova and Theresa Koch on the integration of Ukrainian refugees in an international comparison. ...read more

25. July 2024 | Interviews

“Institutional hurdles slow the integration of refugees down”

Jutta Winters, Magdalena Högner

What should be done to improve the labour market integration of refugees in Germany? An interview with IAB reserachers Maye Ehab and Philipp Jaschke ...read more

19. July 2024 | Interviews

An international comparison of the employment situation among older people: “Germany has caught up considerably”

Christiane Keitel, Jutta Winters, Martin Schludi

The employment rates among older people in Germany have risen significantly. But how does Germany compare internationally? An interviwew with Ulrich Walwei (IAB) ...read more

1. July 2024 | Interviews

“Working on national topics and being part of the international research community go very well together”

Christiane Keitel

The IAB is also becoming more and more international. Yuliya Kosyakova and Bernd Fitzenberger talk about opportunities, successes and challenges. ...read more